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                                                                                                                                             Date: 20040225

                                                                                                                                          Docket: T-569-03

                                                                                                                                  Citation: 2004 FC 265


                                                          MINISTER OF INDUSTRY


                                                                              - and -

                                                              JAMES W. THOMSON


                                                            REASONS FOR ORDER


[1]         This is an application for an injunction pursuant to subsection 10(4) of the Radiocommunication Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. R-2 (the "Act") ordering that the respondent reduce his antenna system, mast, tower and antenna-supporting structure ("the structure") to a height not exceeding 40 feet above ground level.


[2]         The respondent is an amateur radio operator who has had an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate and Authorization ("the certificate") since April 21, 1972. In August 1997, the respondent moved to his present residence and wanted to erect a support antenna structure on his property. The respondent contacted the Corporation of the District of Saanich to advise them that he wanted to erect a 70-foot structure.

[3]         The construction of the structure commenced in late May 1998. One week later, the respondent was cited for building without a permit. At that time a petition circulated in the neighbourhood and it was signed by approximately 200 residents opposing the construction of the structure.

[4]         In late June 1998, the respondent submitted an application to the municipality of Saanich for the construction of a 21-metre antenna. On August 31, 1998 the Saanich Council rejected the respondent's application. The respondent's appeal of this decision was dismissed on September 28, 1998. However, the respondent continued building the structure. On December 4, 1998 Industry Canada directed that the structure be no more than 40 feet above ground level.

[5]         The respondent was concerned about keeping the height of the structure at 40 feet and on April 20, 2000 he increased the height of the structure to 53 feet. In late April 2000, the respondent was asked to make submissions with respect to the height increase. The respondent made submissions to Industry Canada officials in Victoria and to the Minister in Ottawa on June 9, 2000.

[6]         On August 17, 2000 Industry Canada amended the respondent's certificate by adding the condition that the height of the structure is not to exceed 40 feet above ground level. The respondent was given until September 11, 2000 to reduce the height of the structure to 40 feet.

[7]         The respondent filed an application in this Court to judicially review the decision to amend the certificate. Proceedings were discontinued since the respondent was granted a further hearing from Industry Canada. On September 17, 2001, Industry Canada concluded that 40 feet was an appropriate height for the structure.

[8]         On November 8, 2001 the applicant's counsel informed the respondent's counsel that unless he reduced his tower to a height of 40 feet or less by December 8, 2001, Industry Canada would consider commencing suspension or revocation proceedings under subsection 5(2) of the Act. The respondent was advised by letter dated August 6, 2002 that he had until August 30, 2002 to make representations with respect to the possible suspension or revocation of his certificate.

[9]         On August 27, 2002, the respondent informed the applicant that the structure was being used as a flagpole. Industry Canada informed the respondent that no further action would be taken at that time.

[10]       In October 2002, neighbours informed Industry Canada that a long wire-type antenna was seen attached to the structure at the 38-foot mark. On October 26, 2002 three officials from Industry Canada inspected the structure and confirmed that the tower was being used to support a radio antenna. The inspection also revealed that the respondent was not in compliance with the 40-foot height condition on his amended certificate. On November 4, 2002 the respondent was told to reduce the height of the structure to 40 feet or less or to make representations regarding the possible suspension or revocation of his certificate.

[11]       On February 17, 2003 after a series of submissions, the review committee suspended the respondent's certificate for a period of six months. This suspension is the subject of a separate judicial review application in this Court.

Pertinent Legislation

[12]       The relevant provisions of the Act are the following:

2. In this Act,

"radio apparatus" means a device or combination of devices intended for, or capable of being used for, radiocommunication;

2. Les définitions qui suivent s'appliquent à la présente loi.

« appareil radio » Dispositif ou assemblage de dispositifs destiné ou pouvant servir à la radiocommunication.

"radio authorization" means a licence, certificate or authorization issued by the Minister under paragraph 5(1)(a);

« autorisation de radiocommunication » Toute licence ou autorisation et tout certificat visés à l'alinéa 5(1)a).

"radio licence" means a licence issued by the Minister under subparagraph 5(1)(a)(i);

« licence radio » Licence visée au sous-alinéa 5(1)a)(i).

"radio operator certificate" means a certificate issued by the Minister under subparagraph 5(1)(a)(iii);

« certificat d'opérateur radio » Certificat visé au sous-alinéa 5(1)a)(iii).

4. (1) No person shall, except under and in accordance with a radio authorization, install, operate or possess radio apparatus, other than

(a) radio apparatus exempted by or under regulations made under paragraph 6(1)(m); or

(b) radio apparatus that is capable only of the reception of broadcasting and that is not a distribution undertaking.

4. (1) Il est interdit, sans une autorisation de radiocommunication et sans en respecter les conditions, d'installer, de faire fonctionner ou de posséder un appareil radio autre_:

a) qu'un appareil exempté au titre d'un règlement pris en application de l'alinéa 6(1)m);

b) qu'un appareil qui ne peut que recevoir de la radiodiffusion et n'est pas une entreprise de distribution.

5. (1) Subject to any regulations made under section 6, the Minister may, taking into account all matters that the Minister considers relevant for ensuring the orderly establishment or modification of radio stations and the orderly development and efficient operation of radiocommunication in Canada,

(a) issue

(i) radio licences in respect of radio apparatus,

(i.1) spectrum licences in respect of the utilization of specified radio frequencies within a defined geographic area,

(ii) broadcasting certificates in respect of radio apparatus that form part of a broadcasting undertaking,

(iii) radio operator certificates,

(iv) technical acceptance certificates in respect of radio apparatus, interference-causing equipment and radio-sensitive equipment, and

5. (1) Sous réserve de tout règlement pris en application de l'article 6, le ministre peut, compte tenu des questions qu'il juge pertinentes afin d'assurer la constitution ou les modifications ordonnées de stations de radiocommunication ainsi que le développement ordonné et l'exploitation efficace de la radiocommunication au Canada_:

a) délivrer et assortir de conditions_:

(i) les licences radio à l'égard d'appareils radio, et notamment prévoir les conditions spécifiques relatives aux services pouvant être fournis par leur titulaire,

(i.1) les licences de spectre à l'égard de l'utilisation de fréquences de radiocommunication définies dans une zone géographique déterminée, et notamment prévoir les conditions spécifiques relatives aux services pouvant être fournis par leur titulaire,

(v) any other authorization relating to radiocommunication that the Minister considers appropriate,

and may fix the terms and conditions of any such licence, certificate or authorization including, in the case of a radio licence and a spectrum licence, terms and conditions as to the services that may be provided by the holder thereof;

(b) amend the terms and conditions of any licence, certificate or authorization issued under paragraph (a);

[. . .]

(f) approve each site on which radio apparatus, including antenna systems, may be located, and approve the erection of all masts, towers and other antenna-supporting structures;

(ii) les certificats de radiodiffusion à l'égard de tels appareils, dans la mesure où ceux-ci font partie d'une entreprise de radiodiffusion,

(iii) les certificats d'opérateur radio,

(iv) les certificats d'approbation technique à l'égard d'appareils radio, de matériel brouilleur ou de matériel radiosensible,

(v) toute autre autorisation relative à la radiocommunication qu'il estime indiquée;

b) modifier les conditions de toute licence ou autorisation ou de tout certificat ainsi délivrés;

[. . .]

f) approuver l'emplacement d'appareils radio, y compris de systèmes d'antennes, ainsi que la construction de pylônes, tours et autres structures porteuses d'antennes;

10. (1) Every person who

(a) contravenes section 4 or paragraph 9(1)(a) or (b),

[. . .]

is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction and is liable, in the case of an individual, to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or to both, or, in the case of a corporation, to a fine not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars.

[. . .]

10. (1) Commet une infraction et encourt, sur déclaration de culpabilité par procédure sommaire, dans le cas d'une personne physique, une amende maximale de cinq mille dollars et un emprisonnement maximal d'un an, ou l'une de ces peines, ou, dans le cas d'une personne morale, une amende maximale de vingt-cinq mille dollars quiconque, selon le cas_:

a) contrevient à l'article 4 ou aux alinéas 9(1)a) ou b);

[. . .]

(4) Where a court of competent jurisdiction is satisfied, on application by the Minister, that an offence under paragraph (1)(a) is being or is likely to be committed, the court may grant an injunction, subject to such conditions as the court considers appropriate, ordering any person to cease or refrain from any activity related to that offence.

(5) For the purposes of subsection (4), the Federal Court is a court of competent jurisdiction.

(4) S'il est convaincu qu'une infraction à l'alinéa (1)a) se commet ou est sur le point d'être commise, le tribunal compétent peut, sur demande du ministre, accorder une injonction, sous réserve des conditions qu'il juge indiquées, ordonnant à quiconque de cesser toute activité liée à l'infraction ou de s'en abstenir.

(5) La Cour fédérale est, pour l'application du paragraphe (4), un tribunal compétent.

[13]       The pertinent provisions of the Radiocommunication Regulations, SOR/96-484 (the "Regulations") are the following:

15.3 A radio apparatus that is operated in the amateur radio service at a mobile or fixed station is exempt from subsection 4(1) of the Act, in respect of a radio licence, if

(a) a person who operates the radio apparatus is an individual who is the holder of one or more of the certificates or licences referred to in section 42; and

(b) the operation of the radio apparatus in the amateur radio service is in accordance with the technical requirements referred to in section 45.

15.3 Tout appareil radio du service de radioamateur qui est utilisé dans une station mobile ou une station fixe est soustrait à l'application du paragraphe 4(1) de la Loi en ce qui concerne la licence radio, lorsque les conditions suivantes sont réunies :

a) l'utilisateur est titulaire de l'un ou plusieurs des documents mentionnés à l'article 42;

b) l'utilisation de l'appareil radio est conforme aux exigences techniques visées à l'article 45.

42. An individual may operate radio apparatus in the amateur radio service if the individual is the holder of one or more of the following certificates or licences:

(a) an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic Qualification;

(b) a Radiocommunication Operator General Certificate (Maritime);

(c) a Radio Operator's First Class Certificate;

(d) a Radio Operator's Second Class Certificate;

(e) a Radiotelephone Operator's General Certificate (Aeronautical);

(f) a Radiotelephone Operator's General Certificate (Maritime);

(g) a Radiotelephone Operator's General Certificate (Land);

(h) a First-Class Radioelectronic Certificate;

(i) a radio licence in the amateur radio service and an amateur radio operator authorization, issued by the responsible administration of a country other than Canada, if

(i) the individual is a citizen of that country, and

(ii) a reciprocal arrangement that allows similar privileges to Canadians exists between that other country and Canada; and

(j) a radio licence for a radio station in the amateur radio service issued to a citizen of the United States by the Government of the United States.

42. Est habilitée à faire fonctionner un appareil radio du service de radioamateur la personne physique qui est titulaire de l'un ou plusieurs des documents suivants :

a) certificat d'opérateur radioamateur avec compétence de base;

b) certificat général d'opérateur des radiocommunications (service maritime);

c) certificat d'opérateur radio de première classe;

d) certificat d'opérateur radio de deuxième classe;

e) certificat général de radiotéléphoniste (service aéronautique);

f) certificat général de radiotéléphoniste (service maritime);

g) certificat général de radiotéléphoniste (service terrestre);

h) certificat de radioélectronicien de première classe;

i) licence radio du service de radioamateur et autorisation d'opérateur radioamateur, délivrées par l'administration compétente d'un pays étranger, lorsque les conditions suivantes sont réunies :

(i) la personne est un citoyen de ce pays,

(ii) un accord de réciprocité accordant les mêmes privilèges aux Canadiens existe entre ce pays et le Canada;

j) licence radio pour une station de radiocommunication du service de radioamateur délivrée à un citoyen des États-Unis par le gouvernement de ce pays.

45. A person shall operate radio apparatus in the amateur radio service in accordance with the technical requirements set out in the Standards for the Operation of Radio Stations in the Amateur Radio Service, issued by the Minister, as amended from time to time.

45. La personne qui fait fonctionner un appareil radio du service de radioamateur se conforme aux exigences techniques prévues dans les Normes sur l'exploitation de stations radio du service de radioamateur, publiées par le ministre, compte tenu de leurs modifications successives.


[14]       The applicant submits that in refusing to comply with the condition imposed on his certificate, the respondent has installed, operated or possessed radio apparatus contrary to the conditions of his certificate. According to the applicant, the respondent has thereby contravened section 4 of the Act and, by virtue of subsection 10(4), the applicant is entitled to an injunction "ordering the respondent to reduce his radio apparatus to a height not to exceed 40 feet above ground level".

[15]       For his part, the respondent submits that he is not violating section 4 of the Act because the structure is presently being used as a flagpole and, as such, it is not a "radio apparatus" under the Act. The respondent further submits that subsection 15(3) of the Regulations provides that radio apparatus that is operated in the amateur radio service is exempt from subsection 4(1) of the Act if the person who operates such radio apparatus holds a certificate or a licence specified in section 42 of the Regulations.


[16]       According to subsection 10(4) of the Act, the Federal Court may grant an injunction where it is satisfied that an offence under paragraph 10(1)(a) is being or is likely to be committed. Paragraph 10(1)(a) provides that every person who contravenes section 4 of the Act has committed an offence. Therefore, to grant an injunction in this case, the Court must be satisfied that the respondent is committing or will likely commit an act that is in violation of section 4 of the Act.

[17]       In order to determine whether the respondent is violating section 4 of the Act, two separate issues must be resolved. First, is the structure at issue a "radio apparatus" within the ambit of section 4 of the Act? If it is found that the structure is not a "radio apparatus" or is exempted from section 4 of the Act, then it cannot be found that the respondent violates section 4. If, however, the structure is found to fall under the jurisdiction of section 4, then the second issue arises; namely, is the respondent installing, operating or in possession of the "radio apparatus" in accordance with his radio authorization?

[18]       According to section 2 of the Act:

"radio apparatus" means a device or combination of devices intended for, or capable of being used for, radiocommunication;

Given the above factual context, completed by the respondent's admission of his intended use of the structure in question (see pages 11, 24 and 34 to 39 of the transcript of the examination for discovery of the respondent, which is part of the Record), it is clear that the respondent's structure is intended for, and is capable of being used for radiocommunication. The fact that the structure is presently being used as a flagpole does not strip the structure of its capacity for radiocommunication. Consequently, the structure is a "radio apparatus" as defined under section 2 of the Act.

[19]       As a "radio apparatus", the structure falls within the ambit of section 4 of the Act. However, paragraph 4(1)(a) of the Act exempts "radio apparatus" specified in the Regulations made under paragraph 6(1)(m) of the Act. Section 15 of the Regulations sets out various "radio apparatus" that are exempt from section 4 of the Act. Pursuant to section 15.3, the structure, as a radio apparatus operated in the amateur radio service, is exempt from subsection 4(1) in respect of a radio licence if the respondent holds a certificate or a licence referred to in section 42 of the Regulations and if the respondent is using the structure in accordance with the technical requirements referred to in section 45 of the Regulations.

[20]       The Regulations were amended to include section 15.3 in order to implement a streamlined regime which included the elimination of the requirements to hold both a radio operator's certificate and a radio licence. As a result of these amendments, the Amateur Radio Operator Certificate became the sole authorization document required to operate radio apparatus in the amateur radio service (see Notice No. DGRB-002-00, "Radio Authorization Fee for the Assignment of Certain Call Signs in the Amateur Radio Service" made under Department of Industry Act, S.C. 1995, c. 1, and the text entitled "Regulations Amending the Radiocommunication Regulations, P.C. 2000-228, 24 February, 2000"). Section 15.3 was introduced to implement the removal of the licencing requirements for radio amateurs and ensures that radio amateurs operating without a licence are not penalized under section 4 of the Act for not having a licence (see generally "Discussion Paper: Streamlining the Authorization Process for the Amateur Radio Service", DGRB-004-99, May 1999 published by Industry Canada). As a result, section 15.3 of the Regulations is not strictly speaking an exemption to the requirements of section 4 of the Act. Rather, section 15.3 of the Regulations implements the reforms eliminating the licencing requirement in amateur radio services. Therefore, section 15.3 of the Regulations does not otherwise exempt the respondent's radio apparatus from subsection 4(1) of the Act. This is also confirmed by the specific definitions of "radio licence", "radio operator certificate" and "radio authorization" in section 2 of the Act.

[21]       Having found that the structure is not exempt from subsection 4(1) of the Act, it is necessary to consider whether the respondent used the structure in accordance with his certificate. In this case, the respondent's radio authorization, his certificate, was amended on August 17, 2000 to include a condition that the structure be no more than 40 feet above ground level. This condition was made in accordance with paragraph 5(1)(b) of the Act. However, despite the condition on his certificate, the respondent did not reduce the height of the structure. The respondent concedes that for a brief period of time, the structure was used to support one end of a simple wire antenna. However, the respondent argues that this antenna was below the 40-foot height limit imposed by the condition in the respondent's certificate. The respondent argues that it is his action of attaching the wire antenna rather than the erection of the structure itself that resulted in the suspension of his certificate and therefore, since the antenna was affixed at the 38-foot mark, the condition in the certificate was not violated. Yet, the condition imposed on the certificate states that:

The height of any antenna system, mast, tower and antenna-supporting structure at 1853 San Pedro Avenue, in the Corporation of the District of Saanich, B.C., (Lot 1 Section 53 Victoria District Plan 21352), is not to exceed 40 feet above ground level.

[22]       Contrary to the respondent's argument, the condition clearly applies to the structure as a whole, and not to the antenna itself. As a result, it does not matter that the antenna was affixed at the 38-foot mark since the structure itself exceeds the 40-foot height limit, in violation of the condition included in the respondent's certificate. Since the structure is over 40 feet above ground level, the structure is not being used in accordance to the radio authorization. As a result, the respondent's possession and use of the structure as a radio apparatus contravenes subsection 4(1) of the Act.

[23]       Consequently, given the particular circumstances of this case and considering the public interest in having the law of the land duly administered and enforced, the Court finds it appropriate to grant an injunction pursuant to subsection 10(4) of the Act ordering the respondent to reduce his antenna system, mast, tower and antenna-supporting structure at 1853 San Pedro Avenue, in the Corporation of the District of Saanich, British Columbia (Lot 1 Section 53 Victoria District Plan 21352) to a height not exceeding 40 feet above ground level. Costs are adjudicated in favour of the applicant.




February 25, 2004

                                                                 FEDERAL COURT

                              NAMES OF COUNSEL AND SOLICITORS OF RECORD

DOCKET:                                                           T-569-03

STYLE OF CAUSE:                                        MINISTER OF INDUSTRY v. JAMES W. THOMSON

PLACE OF HEARING:                                    Vancouver, British Columbia

DATE OF HEARING:                                      January 13, 2004

REASONS FOR ORDER:                              The Honourable Mr. Justice Pinard

DATED:                                                              February 25, 2004                                           


Mr. George Carruthers                                    FOR THE APPLICANT

Mr. Timothy Ellam                                             FOR THE RESPONDENT


Morris Rosenberg                                             FOR THE APPLICANT

Deputy Attorney General of Canada

Ottawa, Ontario

McCarthy Tétrault LLP                                     FOR THE RESPONDENT

Barristers & Solicitors

Calgary, Alberta

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.